About Us

Who we are


A warm home for children and teens

The Center was built in 2007 from the generous donation of brothers Edgard (z"l) and Jean Zorbibe and with the help of Rabbi Jacky Amar. The Center runs a variety of programs for children and teens in Talpiot, Jerusalem: help with school work, hot meals after school, computer rooms, enrichment activities, performances and sports activities.
The Center also runs programs to prepare teens for IDF service, and other projects that aim to keep children and teens outside the cycle of risk and give them tools to become useful adults in Israeli society.

Help children to integrate the Israeli Society

The Center believes in integrating strong and weak populations, where each population can contribute to the other from its world, whether integration of new immigrants with long-standing residents, or integration of secular and religious youth; we believe in giving an equal opportunity to everyone and that each boy or girl can succeed – as long as we help them to realize their potential. In working with youth, we strive to develop young leadership. We seek to give youth the tools to take responsibility for themselves and for the community they live in, and to turn them into an activist force who create and are civically engaged both where they live as well as more widely.